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5 Myths of Podcast Pitching

general publicity Sep 14, 2022

A list of the top myths that aren’t helping you succeed with your pitch

As one of the newest and fastest growing media platforms, podcasting has already earned a name for itself. Like with any trend, misinformation and myths abound, especially when it comes to successfully navigating podcast pitching.  

We’re here to bring some facts about the things that really matter in podcast pitching.

Here are the 5 myths of podcast pitching.

Wouldn’t this be wonderful? Hosts flocking to you for appearances.

This just isn’t the case, even for some of the most talented of online business owners. It’s not enough to decide you want to be a guest on podcasts. You have to send the pitch to earn the guesting appearance.

Our founder Christina always likes to give this example - when she was younger (but also maybe too old to not know this ), she thought awards were just given out because someone recognized what a great job someone else was doing and decided to...

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What is the Best Time of Year to Pitch to Podcasts?

general publicity Jun 14, 2022

A month-by-month guide for timing your pitches to get the greatest return

Not all months of the year are created equal <insert your personal least favorite month(s) here>, and that’s true when it comes to podcasting, too.

So, how do you know when your pitch is going to get the greatest read-and-reply, or better yet a “yes?”

Spoiler: If you’re looking to be featured as a guest but don’t want to have to pitch yourself (we totally get it ) , NOW is the time to start looking at your plan of attack. Scroll down to the “Bonus Note ” at the bottom of the page for more details and how to apply to our Podcast Pitch Broker service. 

Before breaking it down by month, it’s important to remember one rule of thumb – consider why the host began their business and podcast?

For many, a host’s recording journey begins with entrepreneurship or a side hustle. They may have grown tired of the 9-5 corporate climb. They might be a new...

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What To Expect When You’re a Podcast Guest

general publicity May 18, 2022

The Top 5 Expectations to Set Before You Hit Record

You did it. You sent the pitch, and they said “yes.” After you (deservedly) celebrate - but before you hit record with the host - it’s important to know what to expect as a podcast guest. Let’s get into the top 5 expectations you should set to ensure a successful recording. 

Here are our top tips on what to remember when you’re a podcast guest:

1. A podcast is the host’s platform, and you are a guest on that platform.

It may seem obvious, but is easy to forget, even for the best of podcast guests.

Just like when someone invites you into their home for a party, a podcast guesting appearance gives you an opportunity to enjoy a space and place with a warm, usually friendly audience.

As is true for at a party, things like giving the host a small gift or token of appreciation on arrival, arriving on time, and thanking them are all simple forms of etiquette that are recommended in the world...

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What You Should Know About Podcast Guesting Fees

general publicity May 04, 2022

Latest trends, best practices and how to respond to paid podcast guesting requests

As good ‘elder millennials,’ we can get behind some of the podcast industry’s latest trends, mainly if it involves a good BTS sound bite or some “bad mom” humor. But, not all trends are created equal, and there is one popping up in podcasting that has us holding up a red flag. 

 Podcast appearance fees. 

Now, before we get into the thick of it, a quick disclaimer:

  1. We’re not here to play judge and jury. We’re right here on this crazy media journey with you and want to learn, grow and offer up critical conversation alongside you, especially when it comes to the ever-changing sector of podcasting. 
  2. We believe there are ethically sound ways to charge a podcast appearance fee and ways to respond to a host asking for one. 
  3. As the wise Ferris Bueller once said, “life moves pretty fast.” Well, trends move faster, which is why...
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What exactly are "media queries" (and how do I use them to my advantage)?

Uncategorized Aug 27, 2020

When people are newer to the publicity arena, they are always shocked to learn that members of the media are actually looking for sources on the regular.

And the fact that finding these is a FREE opportunity you can take advantage of... well, let's just say there's a little bit of going on!

You can sign up for (and find) opportunities on a few main sites; HARO, SourceBottle and Qwoted. You'll get emails each day from these sites (sometimes multiple) so be prepared to combat the overwhelm - I highly recommend setting aside 15 minutes each day (whenever it makes sense for you) to go through them all from the past 24 hours. 

Here are a few examples of the type of opportunities you will come across:

...and so many more. In literally every single category. You may not see an opportunity come through for you every single day, but trust me, they will!

When you see something that seems like you should reply to it... do! Take 15 minutes and write out a quick reply...

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Kick your Imposter Syndrome to the curb and up your coverage!

Uncategorized Jul 06, 2020

Are you familiar with the term "Imposter Syndrome?"

Even if you're not, you've probably experienced it at some point in your life (approx. 70% of people do). But here's a quick refresher either way, courtesy of the Harvard Business Review:

Imposter syndrome can be defined as a collection of feelings of inadequacy that persist despite evident success. 'Imposters' suffer from chronic self-doubt and a sense of intellectual fraudulence that override any feelings of success or external proof of their competence.

And it drives me absolutely bonkers. 

Not only do I hate seeing talented women (because - no shock here - that's who it effects more) doubt themselves, but I hate when it creeps up in me too.

Who are you to talk about publicity?

There are way more people out there that can talk about this... what makes me so special?

No one will even like you. 

Yeah, super-fun. 

But one of the main reasons I hate Imposter Syndrome so much is that it absolutely impedes a lot of...

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Why is publicity important for Course Creators & Online Coaches?

Uncategorized May 17, 2020

For many course creators and online coaches - myself included - when I am given the exact steps to promote my content I follow it. Like, to a T.

After all, this is what my teachers are telling me and they’re super-successful so why wouldn’t I?

And most of the time, it seems like social media ads (typically Facebook and Instagram) are the avenue that gets pushed. 

And I get it. It’s way easier to teach than publicity, it’s much quicker, there aren’t as many variables and you can see a distinct ROI.

But boy-oh-boy… when you get a sweet piece of media coverage, whatever the avenue, it can TRANSFORM your business. 

One of my favorite examples of some explosive growth courtesy of some bangin' publicity is my business mentor, Amy Porterfield. 

In August of 2019, Amy was featured in Forbes Magazine. After the article was published, Amy's team estimated they saw a 32% growth in podcast downloads, and an approximate 20% growth in email...

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What exactly are “public relations” and “publicity?”

Uncategorized May 07, 2020

Typically when I’m on a call with a potential new client I ask them what exactly they think “Public Relations (PR)” is.

I don’t do this to be snarky or seem holier-than-thou… I do it because the answers are so incredibly varied.

“Press releases?”

“A thing they do on ‘Mad Men’.”

“Honestly, no idea.”

And I think it’s important to clear the air about what PR and publicity are, so that everyone can move forward in the same direction, with the same expectations.

In my opinion, the goal of any public relations work is to increase your brand credibility. 

With that definition, PR can include anything from awards to crisis communications - and everything in between. I’m talking about relationships with investors, employees, your community, etc. 

And, one of the BIGGEST ways PR helps build your brand credibility is through media relations, otherwise known as Publicity.

See how it breaks down...

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